📌 This manual simply explains the main functions of Present for quick work.
1. Create a new document in production
- After sign up or log in to Present, go to Production.
- Click the Create a new document button on the Production Documents tab to go to Studio.
2. Upload file
- Click Upload in the PDF, Image, and Video tabs on the left side of the studio to upload the file you want to add a description to.
- PDF : You can only upload PDF document files.
- Image : You can only upload image files, such as JPG or PNG.
- Video : You can only upload video files such as MP4, MOV, AVI, and WEBM.
- Documents : You can import pages and recordings from your authored document list.
3. Add page
- You can add a page by selecting the uploaded file and clicking the Add page button or dragging it to the center of the screen.